Tuesday, December 8, 2009

And Uzzah Spake,

saying, "Zarathustra was too timid. Having killed his God, he hoped to remake Him in the form of the Uebermensch. Uzzah shall do better, killing and re-killing his gods until they stay dead and he himself becomes one."

"It is said that to destroy is easier than to create. To do both with equal facility is the provence of the gods. This is a first step to apotheosis. Knowing when to do so: that is another."

"The gods create and destroy - like a child at play."

"Fear those among men who have this power of creation and destruction at a whim: the poet, the dreamer, the scholar, and the philosopher. Their worlds cannot be conquered but by their equals."

"Until one can create what one has brought down, one should hesitate to destroy. When the grass is mowed, weeds grow in the absence. Yet weeds are hardier."

Googlebombing for a cause: www.minnesotangos.org 

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