Tuesday, May 24, 2011

No, no, no, no, no!

Lets cover some basics:

Facism and Communism are opposed ideologies. So are Facism and Welfare Liberalism. Sitting around waiting for a government handout is not a central tenet of Nazism. Adolf Hitler did not and would not ask anyone to look to the government to solve their problems. Central to the ideology of Nazism is the leadership principle. The leadership principle is an outgrowth of the earlier ideas of social Darwinism; it states that the leaders in every field of endeavour are attain their positions because they are meant to lead. The leader is morally superior, and all other should follow him. It is his (and it is always his. The Nazis were "stand by your man" types) genius and determination that allows any enterprise to succeed. The leadership principle applies in government, but also in business, the military, and the NASDAP heirarchy.

Nazi ideology would lead everyone to go to work, do their jobs, and be good little worker monkeys. One in a thousand will distinguish themselves as leaders and be elevated above all others. Everyone else will do an honest day's labor for a honest wage, and trust that their leades will work everything out. If a given worker can't make ends meet, Nazism doesn't provide a safety net, and doesn't offer wefare. Instead, the worker should go back to work, letting his labor add to the expansion of the economy so that he can buy more with what he earns. Trust in the leader, and all will be well. That's Nazism.

And yes, I know they called themselves the 'National Socialist German Workers' Party'. When the Nazi party was spun off the Thule Society as a sort of worker's auxiliary, it was meant to appeal to the German working class. They wanted to attract as many workers as they could, both in terms of manpower and monetary contributions; they had to appeal to the demograpic that would be attracted to workers unions, benevolent societies, and other socialist inspired organizations. That the Nazi party and leadership would ultimately stand opposed to such groups didn't seem all that important at the time. The Nazis were not socialists.


The United States was not founded as a Christian nation. Yes, most of the founders were nominally members of Christian congregations. However, the founders tended to be middle or upper-class. For them to not give lip service to Christianity would be unthinkable. At the same, the church congregation served as the center of the community. The church is how they would meet and mingle, and avoiding church would result in severe social ostracism.

At the same time, the intellectual fashion was for deism. The late 18th century had benefited from 300 years of rationalism and the Enlightenment. Jefferson, Madison, and Franklin were all avowed deists. Deism is the belief that while a divine force created the universe. It set the laws for the operation of the cosmos, and got the whole shebang started. The divine equipped individuals with rational capacities, able to reason out moral behavior, their place in the world, and their interactions with one another. There is a reason the only mention of God in the founding documents is Jefferson's mention of "Nature and nature's God" as the foundation for human rights and self-determinism in the Declaration of American Independence.

Incidentally, it should be noted that deism and rationalism are also the dominant ideologies of Freemasonry. It is of course well known that over half of the attendees at the Continental Congresses and the Constitutional Convention were known or suspected Freemasons.


Googlebombing for a cause: www.minnesotangos.org

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